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Grant Surfus
Technology Director
Kristi Surfus
Elementary - Principal
J.E. Ober
Dennis Sutton
Jacob Swartz
High School Teacher
Garrett High School
Shannon Swonger
High School Teacher
Garrett High School
Leanna Tarr
Food Service
Food Service
Anna Taylor
Instructional Assistant
J.E. Ober
William Thomas
High School Teacher
Garrett High School
Rebecca Thomas
Elementary Teacher
J.E. Ober
Jeffrey Thrush
Treva Thrush
Instructional Assistant
Garrett Middle School
Sam Tipton
Elementary - Assistant Principal
J.E. Ober
Sandra Tom
High School Teacher
Garrett High School
Kiley Toney
Instructional Assistant
J.E. Ober
Katherine Treesh
High School Teacher
Garrett High School
Brittany Treesh
Business Manager
Central Office
Kayleigh Treesh
J.E. Ober
Trisha Van Buskirk
Food Service
Food Service
Gwen Vanderbosch
Speech & Language
J.E. Ober
Serena Vanderpool
Food Service
Food Service