KARE Program Registration

Registration for the J.E. Ober Elementary K.A.R.E (Kindergarten Academic Readiness Experiences) Program is now open! 

This program is available to children who will be eligible to attend Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. It is also a way to help ease the transition into a new school, better prepare children for kindergarten success, and a way to get free materials and books to help develop important skills. 

Important Dates:

April 2nd: KARE Gift Bag Day! From 5:30-7:30 PM outside of Door 7 on Houston Street, parents will drive through to grab gift bags filled with FREE games and materials. Also included with the gift bag will be a packet of information to start the process of enrollment.

April 11th: Forms for the enrollment process are due to the JE Ober office. 

April 11th: Kindergarten Round Up! 

May 2nd & May 3rd: Kindergarten Screening

To sign up for the KARE Program please fill out the form below by MARCH 10th to your child's pre-school teacher or the JE Ober Office with the attention to Kelly VanGessel. You may also register using the QR code on the flyer.