The Garrett High School Career Development Program is in its final stages of building new stairs and nature trail pathways at the Spencerville Covered Bridge. This county partnered effort is a culmination of a Quality of Place Grant provided by the DeKalb County Visitors Bureau, the Spencerville Covered Bridge Association, the Garrett High School Career Development Program and many more community volunteers.
Over 250,000 people visit the Spencerville Covered Bridge each year by way of trails, classic cars, bicycles, and kayaks. We are pleased to have contributed to making this amazing attraction more accessible and user friendly for locals and visitors to enjoy year around. Through this project, our students have had the opportunity to learn and implement many skill sets they will be expected to acquire on the job. Along with the trail accessibility also comes native plant education, historical interpretation signage and seating overlooking the river dam forged by DeKalb County Historian Mary Diehl.